Tuesday, August 25, 2009

IRS on YouTube: Tax Breaks for Homebuyers

Every once and a while I see a good use of social media, other that finding out what's for dinner.

The California Association of Realtors tweeted about the IRS using YouTube to tell taxpayers about tax breaks for buying real estate.

Kinda cool. YouTube is free too. (I like it when the government doesn't spend money.. which is almost never)

Here is an example:

To see more of these videos, check out this link:

Now I have to acknowledge that this is a great use of social media.

The next thing you know... we'll be Twittering our Congressmen and Senators about re-doing the medical system.

Wouldn't that be interesting... having a direct link to the Congress. They would have to hire people to organize the tweets and report the consensus to Congress. (creating jobs) They could hear directly from their constituency.

That would almost be like a... well... a democracy. (twitter is free too)

We'd be able to say that social media really can impact our lives in a positive way.

Ok...ok, sorry... I'm getting off track. Back to the IRS videos. If you'd like to see more, check out my website at: www.bigmark.net and click on the "The Tax Man" button.

While you are there check out the "GATEWAY". It's the best real estate search engine for civilians in the business. There is more great stuff there too.

Let me know what you think.

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