Tuesday, June 30, 2009

First Time Buyer Tax Credit - Many are taking advantage

When I sat down to write this...I had a clear idea of what I wanted to say. My message was going to be that the first time buyers tax credit was being taken advantage of by many people and the legislature was making plans to suppliment and extend the program into the future. The market is being affected positively. Finally something that is working! That sounds like a good thing.

Check out this article from USA Today.


So, that said... as I was reading some more on the topic, I stumbled across an article from CNN Money. (I'm not going to put a link in for it)

It was dealing with the same story. Lots of people using the program. But their spin was that we are all going to hell in a handbasket because the First Time HomeBuyers Tax Credit program was running out of money and the market is still showing signs of instability. The feeling I took away from the article was not very positive.

What a load of hooey! My perspective is that CNN Money wanted a negative story. They took a positive and made it a negative. Don't ask me why. Disaster sells?

I think it's important for us, as Realtors, to know the difference. How we communicate to our clients and the public in general makes a huge difference. We need to know the difference. We are advocates.

Ok, I'll go rest now.

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