Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Foreclosure Moratoriumin California for the next 90 days

If you haven't heard, the State has enacted a moratorium on foreclosures for the next three months. The governor signed the bill in February.

Here's a short article from the Mercury News: http://www.mercurynews.com/news/ci_12585513?nclick_check=1

This will give homeowners who are struggling with staying out of foreclosure a chance to take a deep breath and look hard at their situation. Three months isn't a long time to wait, but with some good signals in the real estate market and loan modification programs out there, struggling homeowners have choices.

The best advice I can think of for homeowners is to consult a Realtor. They will probably have information about specific loan modification programs, whether lender driven or government driven. A Realtor will be able to help determine market value for your home and the saleability of you property as well.

They can explain the process of selling in a "short sale" situation too. Many lenders are have gotten better at working out the details of a "short sale". We are actually closing more of them now than in the past.

Let's hope this works out to be a good move for the overall health of our real estate market and the economy.

Let me know what you think!

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