Saturday, July 18, 2009

California New Housing Market Improving says CBIA

I have been selling new construction homes for many years. I have several friends and clients who are builders and developers. So I try to keep my ear to the ground with anything concerning the New Construction Market.

I saw this article from the California Building Industry Association directed to my via the California Association of Realtors. The article claims that the new construction market in CA is improving. Check it out:

I love the says that local and State governments need to remember that we need to build more not less homes and condos. That's great. Right now we don't need to tell the government entities...we need to tell the BANKS!

Ask any builder about what they have to deal with to get a construction loan. If they can at all. Because of the perceived risk, the Banks are killing the industry.

We should be asking the government to provide an FHA program for development. Ferderal guarantee, lending guidelines, maybe even a resale program for the finished product. Keep the builders building. The small guys would be able to stay in business. Keep people working!

What do you think?

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