Tuesday, July 14, 2009

YouTube from FreddieMac for people facing foreclosure: Finally a good use for Social Media

In this age of everyone telling us that social media is the latest, greatest way of getting business done. I'm sure you've heard the pitch... drop some $$ and you get secrets to using social media to capture leads and influence people.

Farm the internet. You'll make more money than you can count. If you aren't using it you will get left in the dust. Whatever!

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinckIn, ActiveRain, the list goes on and on. Here is a great use of socail media.

Check out this YouTube video from Freddie Mac. It is produced for people facing foreclosure. Pass it on to your clients and fellow agents. It may help the stress levels and feeling of helplessness for these folks.


If the right person gets this video, you will have used social media to capture a lead and influence people.

Let me know what you think.

Check out my website for more helpful information and tools for anyone in the real estate market today.

Mark Wilson



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